Product no.: 01104
34,88 EUR per kg Granules for the removal of silica in freshwater and marine aquariums.
Reliably removes smear algae, improves living conditions and creates crystal clear aquarium water.
Contents 400 grams
reliably removes smear algae
improves living conditions
creates crystal clear aquarium water
400 grams can remove 4000 mg SiO² from the water
package size: 400 grams corresponds to approx. 500 mL
Due to the pH-range prevailing in the aquarium, silicic acid is present as
(SiO³2-). Silicate (SiO²Silica is present in most aquariums. It is formed by the raw water or
through the decoration material, e.g. stones and gravel into the aquarium water.
Silicic acid is absorbed and utilized by the various organisms in the aquarium.
and utilized. It is of significant importance for cell structure and for maintaining cell function.
cell function. It favors metabolic processes,
involved in the distribution of minerals and nutrients in the cells.
SiO² should therefore be present in trace amounts in the aquarium water. An increased amount of
silicate (more than 100μg/l) causes an increased growth of diatoms, which appear
brown, slimy coating in the aquarium and not only disturb the appearance, but also the
but above all threaten the plant and animal life in the aquarium.
An excess of SiO² must therefore be removed from the aquarium water.
Silicarbon causes a chemisorbtion (attachment, binding) of SiO² to the granules.
The SiO² attached by Silicarbon is permanently bound and thus removed from the water cycle.
removed from the water cycle.
Silicarbon is insoluble and does not release any harmful substances into the water. Due to
properties, Silicarbon is ideally suited for use in freshwater and marine aquariums.