
Aqua Connect phytoSTABIL 500 ml

Product no.: 01898

Phytostabil is a salt mixture specially prepared for seawater aquariums, which provides optimum culture conditions for marine phytoplankton (microsweeping algae).

The plant nutrients contained in phytostabil nitrogen (as nitrate), phosphorus (as phosphate) and iron are contained according to the Enriched Seawater medium f / 2 (enriched sea water medium f / 2) standardized in scientific and industrial phytoplankton farming.

Phytostabil provides your phytoplankton culture not only with the important plant nutrients nitrate and phosphate, but also offers the algae for a strong growth as it were important trace elements such as iron, manganese, molybdenum, or copper.


  • Inhalt: 500 ml Dünger / Vitaminlösung
  • ca. 1,5 ml Dünger auf 1 Liter Kulturansatz
  • Nachdüngen, wenn die Nährstoffe verbraucht sind (mit einem Teststreifen testen) oder , wenn das Plankton heller wird

13,95 EUR

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