It is not really correct to state a micron size for this type of filter material as it can lead to confusion.
Like all fleece filters of this type, including bag filters, the size of the particle removed by the media will continuously reduce as the fleece dirties.
Example; with a 200 micron filter sock, the largest particle that should pass through when new is 200 microns, however as the media starts to collect dirt, the holes get blocked creating smaller and smaller passages and so the bag collects out smaller and smaller particles. It continues to do this until the head pressure can no longer force water through the small holes and it overflows.
The ClariSea works in exactly the same way except that instead of overflowing and having to change or clean the bag, it automatically rolls on to expose a fresh piece of material. The fresh fleece will allow larger particles to pass through and the dirtier material will stop smaller particles.