
EcoTech VorTech MP40 QD Motor Assembly/Motor (190943)

Product no.: 117381

You need to register all items (one RMA per device) you want/need to return.

Visit: , click on Support and then click on "RMA Registration".

Follow the registration process and fill out the online forms by easy to use step to step instructions.
If you return more than 1 device, create an RMA for every single device you return!

Once you successfully finished the registration, you automatically get an e-mail in less than 30 minutes
- please print this e-mail and send it along with the item you need to return.

Take us as the Dealer, because we will inform you after repair or billings

Important: If you do not get an e-mail with approved RMA registration, your registration failed.
In this case, please repeat this process. Important.
We reject every shipment if no RMA form is attached!

As these countries are not part of the European Union we highly suggest to get in contact with your local dealer to organise the transport to coralsands.
IT will be a lot easier if your dealer arranges this with us as the dealer is used to trans border shipments.
Please mind that coralsands will not pay for any custom fees or any other charges related to that shipment.
If you want to exchange the spare part yourself, we will send you the spare part like this. But can have no guarantee.

258,90 EUR

If you pay by in advance you get 3% discount
You save 7.77 EUR

VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs

Shipping time:Usually ready for shipment within 3-4 days

Ab 11 € / Monat
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