
Korallen-Zucht Coral Snow 250 ml

Product no.: 111872

114,00 EUR per liter

For small polyp and large polyped stony corals, soft corals and shells, as well as problem solving in a saltwater aquarium.

Coral Snow is used as a liquid secondary biological facilitator for elements like B-Balance or potassium fluoride concentrate. It is compatible for all elements, also for Amino Acid and our Vitalizer. Coral Snow contains among others a natural Calcium Magnesium Carbonate. By SPS corals can absorb this, we offer 2.5 μ optimal size for absorption.
We Coral Snow daily dose, each time with a different element. The required amount is put into a glass and then to stir the product to be metered, the two products are given, and after about 5 min slow the flow of your aquarium.

You can 1 - max. 4ml Coral Snow per 100L tank water daily.
Coral Snow neutralizes undesirable acids and is a solution against eg slime algae and cyanobacteria. This is Coral Snow per 100L aqua water 1 drop ZEObak added, this should be as long as doses every 2 days until the problems are resolved.

It has been shown that we Coral Snow helps just to large imports of 500-600 corals, to keep the system at a high level without any problems. Help us 5ml per 100L water Coral Snow is metered. The next day the system is as stable as before imports: Dealers are welcome to send requests for larger containers by mail or fax.

The turbidity in the water is safe for all fish and most sensitive corals.

28,50 EUR

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Shipping time:1-2 after receipt of order

Ab 6.95 € / Monat
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